Event details
- środa | 31 maja 2023
- 20:00
Bon masters of the 20th century
Lecture on Lopon Sangye Tenzin and Gangru Rinpoche
The lecture will be given by: Jacek Trzebuniak
Wednesday, 31 May 2023, at 8 pm (CET time)
The lecture will be over the internet, via Zoom
Lecture will be in English.
In the 20th century there were many outstanding teachers of the Bon Buddhist tradition. Some of the most prominent in the 20th century were Lopon Sangye Tenzin (1911-1978) and Gangru Rinpoche (1893-1968). Both were teachers of many prominent masters active today, such as Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.
In the lecture, we will learn more about the lives and activities of these two masters, and how their teachings were passed on after their deaths.
We will also learn a bit about the tulku Jorge Rene (a boy from Mexico), who was recognized by the Bon masters as the reincarnation of Lopon Sangye Tenzin.
Suggested donation: 10 euro (to the Drenpa Namkhi Foundation account https://drenpa-namkha.org/en/strona-glowna/wsparcie/darowizny/
You can also donate via paypal. In the description of the donation, please write: Donation Bon masters lecture)
Registration for the lecture: jacektrzebuniak86@gmail.com
Both were important masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu tradition. The Drenpa Namkhi Foundation is leading a project to translate texts from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu from Tibetan into Polish https://drenpa-namkha.org/en/projekt-tlumaczeniowy/
The lecture will be held via Zoom. If you do not have Zoom, you can download this program for free from https://www.zoom.us